Formally from the construction trade, I spent my first career in construction sales and marketing for a major wholesaler in Southern California. I worked my way up through the ranks to become their leading salesman for the company and eventually got promoted to director of sales and marketing responsibilities. When I left the construction industry after 20 years, I scouted various options and chose Real Estate for several reasons. My back ground in construction and my knowledge and deep sales back ground. As a residential Real Estate agent, I excelled from year one with my focus on providing top block service with focus on military and law enforcement clientele. As I approach my 20th year, it has been my pleasure in providing honest answers, personal care, dedicated service to my clients and members of their family each and every day. Why choose Darrell Keliinoi as your agent≠ A real estate transaction is a business and a personal relationship with many iatrical parts, but always tethered to the need to provide genuine service and straight forward answers and information. It is the basis of the relationship. I utilize years of experience in support of the client's own unique requirements and circumstances. Some financially based, others are a strategic move, either transfer or business, while others, it may be their first experience. Experience matters: as it allows clients access to proven alternatives, guidance, answers, solutions, supported by my passion for my clients to succeed in support of their personal goals. I do this as much for them as I do it for myself, because it matters! Given the opportunity to discuss facts with, and listen to their needs, the end result is to earn trust, respect and the honor to serve them as in finding and validating a mutually beneficial out come as their Real Estate agent. My promise to you≠ Provide you an Honest and straight forward approach, backed by integrity to get it right! I look forward to serving you!